“such/so ...that ...”句式的特殊用法

2024-09-27 21:26 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:219人

引导结构状语从句“such/so ...that ...”句式的特殊用法

1.“such a+adj.+单数名词+that ...”可变为“so+adj.+a+单数名词+that ...”

Mike is such an honest worker that we all believe him.

Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.


It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it away.

it is so heavy a box that nobody can move it away.



So clear was his statement that everybody was convinced.他的话这么明白,大家都信服了。

So fast did he run that nobody could catch up with him.他跑得如此快没人能赶上他。

Such heavy boxes are they that nobody can move them away.


3.so many/few+可数名词;so much/little+不可数名词

There is so little time left that we had to speed up.剩下的时间不多了,我们必须加速。

There are so many people in the street that I can’t get through.


He drank so much beer that he got drunk.他喝了太多的啤酒,结果醉了。

He has so few friends that he doesn’t know who to talk with.

