常用动词:catch clean close cook cut draw lock open read sell shut wash wear write
The cloth washes easily.这布很好洗。
This novel sells very well.这本小说很畅销。
This pencil writes very well.这支笔很好写。
This cloth wears well.这布料很耐穿。
This play reads better than it acts.这剧本读起来要比演出来更精彩。
My coat caught a nail.我的衣服被钉子钩到了。
This shirt will wear very long.这件衬衫可以穿很久。
Meat cuts easily.肉容易切。
【提示】 此类句式常同well,badly,easily等副词连用。
move lock shut open
The stone can’t move.这块石头搬不动。
The door won’t shut.这门关不上。
The window won’t open.这扇窗开不了。
The door won’t lock.这门锁不上。
cook bake make print pack build work out
The book is printing.这本书正在印刷中。
The house is building.这栋房子正在建造中。
The fish is cooking.鱼正在煮。
The plan is working out.计划正在制订。
under arrest 被逮捕 under attack 受到袭击
under consideration 正在考虑 under construction 建设中
under control 被控制 under discussion 在讨论中
under examination 在检查中 under medical treatment 在治疗中
under repair 在修缮中 under study 在研究中
The question is now under discussion.这个问题正在被讨论。
The fire was finally under control.大火最终被控制住了。
More buildings are under construction.更多的楼房正在被修建。
All these temples are under repairs.所有这些古庙正在修复中。
on display 在展出 on exhibition 在展出
on fire 着火 on sale 出售
on show 在展出 on trial 审判
Many new types of cars are on show in Beijing.许多新型轿车正在北京展出。
Every article on view will be on sale.每件展品都将出售。
He was on trial for theft.他因盗窃罪受到审判。
The building is on fire.那幢房子着火了。
beyond belief 难以置信 beyond compare 无可比拟
beyond control 无法控制 beyond description 难以形容
beyond (all)doubt 毫无疑问 beyond expression 无法形容
beyond suspicion 无可怀疑 beyond measure 无法估量
beyond recognition 无法辨认 beyond repair 无法修理
The rumor is beyond belief.这谣言难以置信。
The children were beyond control.这些孩子不听管教。
Her beauty is beyond compare.她的美丽无与伦比。
The scenery is beautiful beyond description.景色美得难以形容。
①An expert is in charge of the project.一位专家负责这项工程由。(主动)
The project is in the charge of an expert.这项工程由一位专家负责。(被动)
②The merchant is in possession of the land.这位商人拥有块地块。(主动)
The land is in the possession of the merchant.这块地为这位商人所有。(被动)