
2024-09-27 21:30 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:226人



ache 疼痛    apologize 道歉    appear 出现    arrive 到达    come 来

cough 咳嗽    cry 哭        dance 跳舞     die 死       disappear 消失

exist 存在    fall 掉        flow 流淌     go 去       happen 发生

lie 躺      listen 听       rise 升起     run 跑       stay 呆、留

sit 坐      stand 站       succeed 成功    swim 游泳


accept 接受   borrow 借       bury 埋      cover 覆盖

defeat 挫败   discover 发现     enjoy 喜欢     excite 使激动

forget 忘记   guess 猜测       interest 使感兴趣 love 热爱

please 使高兴  put 放         raise 提高     surprise 使凉讶


(1)及物动词+sth.to sb.

allow 允许    award 授予      bring 带给     hand 交给     lend 借给

mail 邮寄     offer 提供      owe 欠       pass 传递     pay 付给

post 邮递     read 读给       return 归还     send 寄给     sell 卖给

serve 招待    show 展示       take 拿给      teach 教导     tell 告诉

throw 扔     write 写

He gave me a picture-book as a present.他给我一本图画书做礼物。

He gave a picture-book to me as a present.

I returned him the storybook.我把故事书还给他了。

I returned the storybook to him.

(2)及物动词+sth.for sb.

book 预定    buy 买   choose 选择   cook 做饭   draw 画   fetch 去取

find 找到    fix 安装  get 得到     make 制作   order 订购  pick 选择

prepare 准备   save 节省  sing 唱歌    steal 偷

He bought me a picture-book as a present.他给我买了一本图画书做礼物。

He bought a picture-book for me as a present.

I’ve ordered you an air ticket.我已为你预订了一张机票。

I’ve ordered an air ticket for you.



The teacher explained the difficult point of grammar to me.老师给我讲解了语法难点。

He announced to her his intention of going.他向她宣布他打算离开。

I reported the theft to the police.我向警方报告了这起盗窃案。

He suggested the plan to Haas.他向哈斯提出那个计划。



believe 相信   consider 认为   cut 切    dye 染      declare 宣布

drive 驱使    find 发现     force 强迫  imagine 想象   judge 判断

keep 使保持    leave 留下     make 使    push 推      paint 漆 set 使

You drive me mad when you say that.你讲这话真叫我恼火。

They judged her stupid.他们认为她很蠢。

Please set the bird free.请把鸟放掉吧。

Mr Tomthon declared his story false.汤姆逊先生说他讲的事是假的。


call 叫     choose 选择    consider 认为   elect 选举   find 找到

keep 使     make 使变为    name 命名     wish 祝愿

We consider him a strange person.我们认为他是一个奇特的人。

We find him an honest man.我们发现他是个诚实的人。

We elected him chairman of the club.我们选他任俱乐部主席。

【提示】 chairman是表示唯一的职务的名词,作宾补时前面不加冠词。

(3)及物动词+宾语+to do

advise 建议   allow 允许   ask 要求   beg 请求   encourage 鼓励

expect 期望   get 使     invite 邀请  order 命令  teach 教

tell 告诉    warn 警告    want 想要   wish 希望

Mother often tells me to make friends carefully.


I persuaded him to accept the plan.我说服他接受这个计划。


look at 看  notice 注意  observe 观察  see 看见  watch 注意看  listen to 听

hear 听见   feel 感觉   have 使     let 让   make 使

The pain made him cry out.他痛得叫喊起来。

I have never observed him act like that.我从来没见过他如此表现。

We felt the house shake just now.我们刚才感觉房子晃了一下。

Did you notice anyone take the book away? 你看到谁把那本书拿走了吗?

(5)及物动词+宾语+to be

believe 相信  consider 认为  declare 宣布  find 发现  imagine 相信  judge 判断

prove 证明   report 报道   think 认为   deny 否认  discover 发觉  feel 感觉

guess 猜测   know 知道    suppose 架设  understand 理解

They all believe the story to be true.他们都相信这篇报道是真实的。

He declared the story to be false.他断言这篇报道是假的。

Imagine yourself to be in his place.设想你自己处于他的地位,那又会怎么样呢?

We judged the distance to be about four miles.我们估计距离大约是 4 英里。


bring 引起    catch 碰上    discover 发现   feel 感觉    find 发觉

get 使(动起来) have 让(一直) hear 听见     keep 使(一直) leave 听任

notice 注意到   observe 观察   see 看见      send 使(突然) set 使(引起)

start 使(引起) watch 观察

Her cries brought the neighbours running.她的哭喊声引得邻居们都跑来了。

The teacher caught the boy cheating.那孩子在作弊的时候被老师发现了。

I discovered him living next to me.我发现他就住在我的隔壁。

He felt himself getting younger and younger.他感到自己越活越年轻了。

His words got us thinking.他的话使我们思索起来。

His behaviour set people talking.他的行动引起了人们的议论。

The victory sent our spirits rising.胜利使得我们非常高兴。

He left me waiting outside in the rain.他让我站在雨里等候。

His criticism started me thinking seriously.他的批评引起我认真思考。


find 发现   feel 感觉   get 使   have 使   hear 听见   make 使

see 看见    think 认为   watch 注意看

I couldn’t make myself heard by all the listeners.我不能使所有听众都能听见我。

He found himself surrounded by a group of children.他发现自己被一群孩子包围了。


ask 叫、让   drive 驱使   find 发现   get 使   invite 邀请

let 让     see 看见    shut 关闭   show 领

Can I ask Bob in? 我可以让鲍勃进来吗?

Show the visitor in,please.请把客人带进来。

They fought bravely to drive the enemy out.他们勇敢地战斗把敌人赶出去。


discover 发现  feel 感觉  find 发现   get 使  have 使  hear 听见

keep 保持    make 使   notice 注意到 see 看见

Don’t have children at home all day.Give them time to play outdoors.


She discovered the cat under the table.她发现那只猫在桌子下。

Keep these books on the shelf and take them when necessary.



be accustomed to 使习惯于    be adapted to 适应于

be addicted in 沉溺于      be applied to 应用于

be devoted to 致力于       be dressed in 穿着

be engaged in 从事于       be engaged to 同……订婚

be hidden in/among 藏身于    be lost in 入迷

be occupied with 从事      be prepared for 准备

be seated in (on)就座     be stationed round 驻扎在……周围

He was hidden among the trees.他躲藏在树林里。

Powerful troops were stationed round the capital.首都周围驻扎着强大的部队。
