
2024-09-27 19:25 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:545人

英语中有相当数量的the same ... as,such ... as, as ... as等结构,其中as作关系词引导定义从句的时候,我们可是省略其中的某些成分。试看下面的例句。

Such men as he (is) are rare. 他这样的人很少见。

I have bought the same bicycle as you have (bought). 我买了和你一样的自行车。(as表明后者与前者同类,但不是同一辆)

Bobbie looked just the same as (he) ever (did). 罗比看起来和往常一样。

He gave the same answer as (he had given) before. 他的回答和以前一样。

She is as good a creature as (anyone) can be. 她是一位再好不过的人了。

These men still came together once in a while without their wives as they had (done) when they were bachelors. 这些男人有时不带自己的妻子,像之前他们还是单身汉时那样聚在一起。

After centuries of training, they learned how to live as comfortably in the air as they had (done) in the water. 经过长时间的训练,它们终于学会了如何自在地生活于空气里,就像以前在水中一样。
