安徽省皖江名校联盟2024届高三下学期最后一卷 英语 Word版含解析

2024-09-08 08:59 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:135人

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What will Karen do this afternoon?

A. Watch a movie. B. Give a speech. C. Take a class.

2. How long did Kate stay in space last time?

A. 158 days. B. 162 days. C. 185 days.

3. Where did the man plan to go last weekend?

A. The zoo. B. The countryside. C. The downtown.

4. Why does the man talk to Linda?

A. To book a ticket. B. To change his flight. C. To cancel an appointment.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. An ancient Chinese invention. B. The way to make paper today. C. A famous historical figure.




6. Why does the woman turn down a set dinner?

A. She wants to eat less. B. She dislikes the dessert. C. She thinks it expensive.

7. What is not included from the woman’s dinner?

A. Tomato soup. B. Fried chicken. C. A glass of house wine.


8. Why does Mark need a new phone?

A. His phone was damaged. B. His phone was lost. C. His phone is old-fashioned.

9. What brand of phone does Mark want?

A. Samsung. B. Huawei. C. iPhone.

10. How much will Mark pay?

A. $900. B. $1,200. C. $1,500.
