热门边缘介词instead of用法考察

2024-09-08 07:27 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:104人

instead of是“代替……”、“而不……”的含义,是比较常用常考的词汇,而且常常和instead的用法混淆。下面先说说instead of的用法。

1.instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词、副词、甚至as从句、带有对称结构性质的不定式或各种形式的谓语动词等。如:

We just had soup instead of a full meal.


Would you like to take a taxi instead of a bus?你想打的而不是坐公车吗?

I go to bed late instead of early.我总是很晚才睡。

Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs


They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs


Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.


Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job.


Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.


Instead of running round like a headless chicken use your efforts in a more productive way.


Instead of saving the credit of the dollar, this can only make things worse. 这不仅不能挽救美元的信誉,而且只会让事情变得更糟。(不仅不能……而且只会)

It's me that should ask you instead of you asking me.应该是我问你,而不是你问我。(连接独立主格结构

Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem


Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them.


Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. (一般情况下不用...instead to go by car)


Would you like to take a taxi instead of going by bus?(一般情况下不用...instead to go by bus.)你想打的去而不是坐公车去吗?

【注】instead of后面一般不跟不定式。但是在平行结构中,是可以后接不定式的。

2.instead of有时具有连词的性质,可以连接两个相同的语法结构。如:

Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots?


The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.


It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.


Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older. 每天锻炼身体使他显得更年轻而不是苍老。(连接形容词

But the businessman grew worse instead of better. 但这位商人的情况没有好转,反而进一步恶化了。(连接比较级

The ship ‘s generator broke down, and the pumpshad to be operated manually instead of mechanically.(四级真题)


We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.


In warm weather he often reads under a tree instead of in the library.天气暖和的时候,他常常是在树下而不是在图书馆里读书。(连接介词短语

He studies in the evening instead of during the day.他在晚上而不是白天学习。I shall spend the afternoon here instead of at the Slade.我要在这里度过下午,而不是在斯莱德。

As a result, silver began to flow out of, instead of into the country. 结果,白银开始流出,而不是流入这个国家。

As a result, silver begar to flow out of,instead of ,into the country.结果,银开始流出而不是流入该国。(链接介词短语

You should be out playing instead of working indoors.你应该出去玩,而不是在室内工作。(连接动名词

He proposes to do some work instead of to watch television.他提议做些工作而不是看电视。(连接不定式

She asked me whether I wanted to cook instead of write.


A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him.


She had the children read in tht classroom instead of go out.


That increased instead of decreased our courage.


3.instead 单独使用的时候作副词,是“用……来代替”、“用……来顶替”的意思。常用于句末。如:

We’ve no coffee. Would you like tea instead.我没有咖啡了,喝茶行吗?

It will take days by car, so let’s fly instead..坐汽车得好几天时间,所以我们还是改乘飞机吧。

I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.我放弃了史诗,转而写了这个小故事。

I don't like this one; give me that instead.我不喜欢这个,把那个给我吧。

Last summer I went to France. This year I’m going to Italy instead.去年夏天我去了法国。今年我要去意大利。

4.用instead这个副词时,句子中的动作是被”取”的,即要去做的或要被选择的,而用instead of时,of后面的动作是被“舍”的,即不去做或者未被选择的。因此用instead的句子也可以改成instead of。试比较下面两个句子:

She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day.→Instead of studying , she tennis all days.


He didn’t give John the money, but he gave it to me instead.→Instead of giving John the money, he gave it to me.

