
2024-10-28 16:49 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:82人


1. 表示经常发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的行为。

- I go to school by bike every day.(我每天骑自行车去上学。)

- We play basketball after school.(我们放学后打篮球。)

- They study hard.(他们努力学习。)

- You like reading books.(你喜欢读书。)

- My parents work in a factory.(我的父母在一家工厂工作。)

- We have breakfast at seven.(我们七点吃早餐。)

- You often watch TV in the evening.(你晚上经常看电视。)

- They visit their grandparents on weekends.(他们在周末看望祖父母。)

- I do my homework in the evening.(我晚上做作业。)

- We listen to music in our free time.(我们在空闲时间听音乐。)

- You help your mother with housework.(你帮你妈妈做家务。)

- They go for a walk in the park.(他们在公园散步。)

- I read newspapers in the morning.(我早上看报纸。)

- We take a bus to school.(我们乘公交车去上学。)

- You play games with your friends.(你和你的朋友玩游戏。)

- They do sports every day.(他们每天做运动。)

- I write letters to my pen pal.(我给我的笔友写信。)

- We sing songs in the music class.(我们在音乐课上唱歌。)

- You draw pictures very well.(你画画很好。)

- They speak English fluently.(他们英语说得很流利。)

- I swim in the swimming pool in summer.(我夏天在游泳池游泳。)

- We plant trees in spring.(我们在春天种树。)

- You fly kites in the park.(你在公园放风筝。)

- They ride bikes to school.(他们骑自行车去上学。)


1. 表示命令、请求、建议等。

- Open the door.(打开门。)

- Close the window.(关上窗户。)

- Sit down.(坐下。)

- Stand up.(站起来。)

- Come here.(到这里来。)

- Go there.(去那里。)

- Be quiet.(安静。)

- Be careful.(小心。)

- Let's go.(我们走吧。)

- Let me help you.(让我帮你。)

- Don't be late.(不要迟到。)

- Don't smoke here.(不要在这里吸烟。)

- Don't play in the street.(不要在街上玩。)

- Do your homework.(做你的作业。)

- Clean your room.(打扫你的房间。)

- Wash your hands.(洗手。)

- Read the book.(读书。)

- Write a letter.(写一封信。)

- Sing a song.(唱一首歌。)

- Dance with me.(和我跳舞。)

- Draw a picture.(画一幅画。)

- Speak English.(说英语。)

- Listen carefully.(认真听。)

- Look at the blackboard.(看黑板。)

- Wait a minute.(等一会儿。)

- Hurry up.(快点。)


1. 表示说话人的语气和态度。

- I can swim.(我会游泳。)

- You must study hard.(你必须努力学习。)

- He should do his homework.(他应该做他的作业。)

- We may go to the park.(我们可以去公园。)

- They might come later.(他们可能晚点来。)

- You can borrow my book.(你可以借我的书。)

- I must finish my work on time.(我必须按时完成我的工作。)

- He should be more careful.(他应该更小心。)

- We may go shopping tomorrow.(我们明天可以去购物。)

- They might visit us next week.(他们可能下周来看我们。)

- You can play basketball after school.(你放学后可以打篮球。)

- I must go now.(我现在必须走了。)

- He should listen to the teacher carefully.(他应该认真听老师讲课。)

- We may have a picnic this weekend.(我们这个周末可以去野餐。)

- They might go to the cinema.(他们可能去看电影。)

- You can use my pen.(你可以用我的笔。)

- I must do exercise every day.(我必须每天做运动。)

- He should help his parents.(他应该帮助他的父母。)

- We may go on a trip next month.(我们下个月可以去旅行。)

- They might join the club.(他们可能加入俱乐部。)

- You can read this book.(你可以读这本书。)

- I must get up early.(我必须早起。)

- He should keep his promise.(他应该遵守他的诺言。)

- We may go swimming in summer.(我们夏天可以去游泳。)

- They might play football on Sunday.(他们星期天可能踢足球。)

四、助动词 do/does/did 后

1. 用于一般现在时和一般过去时的否定句和疑问句中,加强语气。

- Do you like apples?(你喜欢苹果吗?)

- Does he go to school by bus?(他乘公交车去上学吗?)

- I don't like math.(我不喜欢数学。)

- He doesn't play football.(他不踢足球。)

- Did you go to the park yesterday?(你昨天去公园了吗?)

- She didn't do her homework.(她没有做她的作业。)

- Do they speak Chinese?(他们说中文吗?)

- Does it rain often here?(这里经常下雨吗?)

- I didn't watch TV last night.(我昨晚没看电视。)

- He didn't come to school today.(他今天没来上学。)

- Did we win the game?(我们赢了比赛吗?)

- She didn't see the movie.(她没看那部电影。)

- Do you have a pen?(你有一支笔吗?)

- Does he know the answer?(他知道答案吗?)

- I didn't eat breakfast this morning.(我今天早上没吃早餐。)

- He didn't go shopping last weekend.(他上周末没去购物。)

- Did they finish their work?(他们完成工作了吗?)

- She didn't take a bath.(她没洗澡。)

- Do you want to go with me?(你想和我一起去吗?)

- Does it look good?(它看起来好吗?)

- I didn't drink coffee.(我没喝咖啡。)

- He didn't read the book.(他没读那本书。)

- Did we have a good time?(我们玩得开心吗?)

- She didn't wear a dress.(她没穿裙子。)

五、动词不定式符号 to 后

1. 表示目的、意图等。

- I want to go home.(我想回家。)

- She needs to study hard.(她需要努力学习。)

- We plan to go on a trip.(我们计划去旅行。)

- He hopes to see you soon.(他希望很快见到你。)

- They decide to go to the beach.(他们决定去海滩。)

- I would like to eat an apple.(我想吃一个苹果。)

- She wants to buy a new dress.(她想买一件新裙子。)

- We need to do our homework.(我们需要做我们的作业。)

- He hopes to pass the exam.(他希望通过考试。)

- They plan to visit their grandparents.(他们计划看望他们的祖父母。)

- I would like to watch a movie.(我想看一部电影。)

- She wants to play basketball.(她想打篮球。)

- We need to clean the classroom.(我们需要打扫教室。)

- He hopes to become a doctor.(他希望成为一名医生。)

- They decide to go hiking.(他们决定去徒步旅行。)

- I would like to listen to music.(我想听音乐。)

- She wants to read a book.(她想读一本书。)

- We need to go to bed early.(我们需要早点睡觉。)

- He hopes to make friends with you.(他希望和你交朋友。)

- They plan to have a party.(他们计划举办一个聚会。)

- I would like to swim in the pool.(我想在游泳池里游泳。)

- She wants to sing a song.(她想唱一首歌。)

- We need to study English well.(我们需要学好英语。)

- He hopes to win the game.(他希望赢得比赛。)

- They decide to go camping.(他们决定去露营。)


see/hear/feel/watch/notice 等后作宾语补足语,表示看到、听到、感觉到、看到等的动作正在进行或经常发生

1. 表示看到、听到、感觉到、看到等的动作正在进行或经常发生。

- I see him play basketball every day.(我每天看到他打篮球。)

- We hear her sing in the room.(我们听到她在房间里唱歌。)

- He feels the wind blow.(他感觉到风吹。)

- They watch the birds fly.(他们看鸟儿飞翔。)

- I notice him come in.(我注意到他进来了。)

- We see the children play in the park.(我们看到孩子们在公园里玩。)

- He hears the dog bark.(他听到狗叫。)

- She feels the sun shine.(她感觉到阳光照耀。)

- They watch the fish swim.(他们看鱼儿游泳。)

- I notice her leave.(我注意到她离开。)

- We see the students study in the classroom.(我们看到学生们在教室里学习。)

- He hears the bell ring.(他听到铃声响起。)

- She feels the rain fall.(她感觉到雨落下。)

- They watch the stars shine.(他们看星星闪烁。)

- I notice him walk.(我注意到他走路。)

- We see the flowers bloom.(我们看到花儿开放。)

- He hears the music play.(他听到音乐播放。)

- She feels the heat.(她感觉到热。)

- They watch the clouds move.(他们看云朵移动。)

- I notice her smile.(我注意到她微笑。)

- We see the leaves fall.(我们看到树叶落下。)

- He hears the train pass.(他听到火车经过。)

- She feels the cold.(她感觉到冷。)

- They watch the waves roll.(他们看海浪翻滚。)

- I notice him run.(我注意到他跑步。)

- We see the snow fall.(我们看到雪落下。)

- He hears the wind howl.(他听到风呼啸。)

- She feels the softness.(她感觉到柔软。)

- They watch the fire burn.(他们看火燃烧。)

七、使役动词 let/make/have 后作宾语补足语

1. 表示让、使某人做某事。

- Let me help you.(让我帮你。)

- Make him do his homework.(让他做他的作业。)

- Have her clean the room.(让她打扫房间。)

- Let us go shopping.(让我们去购物。)

- Make them study hard.(让他们努力学习。)

- Have him wash the dishes.(让他洗碗。)

- Let her sing a song.(让她唱一首歌。)

- Make us play basketball.(让我们打篮球。)

- Have them do the housework.(让他们做家务。)

- Let him read a book.(让他读一本书。)

- Make her dance.(让她跳舞。)

- Have us take a bath.(让我们洗澡。)

- Let them play games.(让他们玩游戏。)

- Make him write a letter.(让他写一封信。)

- Have her cook dinner.(让她做晚饭。)

- Let us watch TV.(让我们看电视。)

- Make them listen to music.(让他们听音乐。)

- Have him clean the car.(让他洗车。)

- Let her draw a picture.(让她画一幅画。)

- Make us run.(让我们跑步。)

- Have them do exercise.(让他们做运动。)

- Let him speak English.(让他说英语。)

- Make her play the piano.(让她弹钢琴。)

- Have us do our homework.(让我们做我们的作业。)

- Let them swim.(让他们游泳。)

- Make him study math.(让他学习数学。)

- Have her wash the clothes.(让她洗衣服。)


1. had better(最好),would rather(宁愿)等后接动词原形。

- You had better go to bed early.(你最好早点睡觉。)

- We had better study hard.(我们最好努力学习。)

- He had better do his homework.(他最好做他的作业。)

- They had better listen to the teacher.(他们最好听老师的话。)

- I had better read more books.(我最好多读点书。)

- You had better not be late.(你最好不要迟到。)

- We had better not play computer games.(我们最好不要玩电脑游戏。)

- He had better not watch TV too much.(他最好不要看太多电视。)

- They had better not eat junk food.(他们最好不要吃垃圾食品。)

- I would rather stay at home.(我宁愿呆在家里。)

- She would rather read a book than watch TV.(她宁愿读书也不愿看电视。)

- We would rather go hiking than go shopping.(我们宁愿去徒步旅行也不愿去购物。)

- He would rather play basketball than play football.(他宁愿打篮球也不愿踢足球。)

- They would rather listen to music than do homework.(他们宁愿听音乐也不愿做作业。)
