
2024-10-18 16:29 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:43人

初中高中英语中“除了……之外”的表达有:besides、except、except for、apart from。

1. besides

- 释义:prep. 除……之外(还);adv. 此外,而且。强调被排除的部分也包括在内。

- 双语例句:

- Besides English, I also like math.(除了英语之外,我也喜欢数学。)

- We have lots of things in common besides music.(除了音乐之外,我们还有很多共同之处。)

- Besides being a teacher, she is also a writer.(除了是一名教师之外,她还是一位作家。)

- He knows two languages besides Chinese.(除了中文之外,他还懂两种语言。)

- Besides reading, she also enjoys painting.(除了阅读之外,她还喜欢绘画。)

- I have many hobbies besides swimming.(除了游泳之外,我还有很多爱好。)

- Besides Tom, everyone else was there.(除了汤姆之外,其他人都在那里。)

- Besides this book, I also need that one.(除了这本书之外,我还需要那一本。)

- She is good at singing besides dancing.(除了跳舞之外,她还擅长唱歌。)

- Besides his parents, he has a sister.(除了他的父母之外,他还有一个妹妹。)

- Besides apples, I like oranges too.(除了苹果之外,我也喜欢橘子。)

- Besides being beautiful, she is also intelligent.(除了漂亮之外,她还很聪明。)

- Besides studying hard, we should also have enough rest.(除了努力学习之外,我们也应该有足够的休息。)

- Besides you, who else knows this secret?(除了你之外,还有谁知道这个秘密?)

- Besides Monday, we have classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.(除了星期一之外,我们在星期二和星期三也有课。)

- Besides playing basketball, he is also interested in football.(除了打篮球之外,他对足球也感兴趣。)

- Besides the rain, the weather was fine.(除了下雨之外,天气很好。)

- Besides a few mistakes, your composition is very good.(除了一些错误之外,你的作文非常好。)

- Besides these two novels, I haven't read any others this month.(除了这两本小说之外,这个月我没有读过其他的书。)

2. except

- 释义:prep. 除……之外;conj. 只是,要不是。强调被排除的部分不包括在内。

- 双语例句:

- Everyone is here except Tom.(除了汤姆之外,每个人都在这里。)

- I like all fruits except bananas.(我喜欢所有的水果,除了香蕉。)

- He goes to school every day except Sunday.(除了星期天之外,他每天都去上学。)

- The room is empty except for a table and a chair.(房间里除了一张桌子和一把椅子之外什么也没有。)

- She has no hobbies except watching TV.(除了看电视之外,她没有其他爱好。)

- All the students passed the exam except him.(除了他之外,所有的学生都通过了考试。)

- I know nothing about him except his name.(除了他的名字之外,我对他一无所知。)

- The city is beautiful except for the traffic.(除了交通之外,这个城市很漂亮。)

- We had a great time except for the bad weather.(除了糟糕的天气之外,我们玩得很开心。)

- Everyone was invited except me.(除了我之外,每个人都被邀请了。)

- I can answer all the questions except this one.(除了这一道题之外,我能回答所有的问题。)

- The movie was good except for the ending.(除了结尾之外,这部电影很不错。)

- He has no friends except you.(除了你之外,他没有朋友。)

- I like all seasons except winter.(除了冬天之外,我喜欢所有的季节。)

- The house is perfect except for its location.(除了位置之外,这所房子很完美。)

- Everyone agreed except her.(除了她之外,每个人都同意。)

- I can do everything except swim.(除了游泳之外,我什么都能做。)

- The food was delicious except for a little too much salt.(除了有点太咸之外,食物很美味。)

- She is good at all subjects except physics.(除了物理之外,她擅长所有科目。)

3. except for

- 释义:除了……以外;要不是由于。强调对整体中的某个细节或特定方面进行修正性的排除。

- 双语例句:

- The composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.(这篇作文很好,除了有几个拼写错误。)

- The room was very clean except for a little dust on the table.(房间很干净,除了桌子上有一点灰尘。)

- The movie was excellent except for the sound quality.(这部电影很棒,除了音质之外。)

- The dress is beautiful except for the color.(这件连衣裙很漂亮,除了颜色之外。)

- The car runs well except for a flat tire.(这辆车跑得很好,除了一个瘪胎之外。)

- The meal was delicious except for the overcooked vegetables.(这顿饭很美味,除了煮过头的蔬菜之外。)

- The hotel is comfortable except for the noisy neighbors.(这家酒店很舒适,除了吵闹的邻居之外。)

- The book is interesting except for the boring beginning.(这本书很有趣,除了无聊的开头之外。)

- The garden is lovely except for the weeds.(这个花园很可爱,除了杂草之外。)

- The painting is wonderful except for a small scratch.(这幅画很棒,除了一个小划痕之外。)

- The performance was great except for a few technical glitches.(这场表演很精彩,除了一些技术故障之外。)

- The city is charming except for the traffic congestion.(这个城市很迷人,除了交通拥堵之外。)

- The house is spacious except for the small kitchen.(这所房子很宽敞,除了小厨房之外。)

- The cake is delicious except for the too-sweet frosting.(这个蛋糕很美味,除了糖霜太甜之外。)

- The beach is beautiful except for the litter.(这个海滩很漂亮,除了垃圾之外。)

- The shirt is nice except for the loose buttons.(这件衬衫很好,除了松掉的纽扣之外。)

- The park is peaceful except for the barking dogs.(这个公园很宁静,除了吠叫的狗之外。)

- The concert was amazing except for the long wait.(这场音乐会很精彩,除了漫长的等待之外。)

4. apart from

- 释义:除……之外;远离。既可以表示包括在内的“除了……之外还有”,也可以表示不包括在内的“除了……之外没有”。

- 双语例句:

- Apart from English, she can speak French and German.(除了英语之外,她还会说法语和德语。)

- Apart from being tired, I feel fine.(除了有点累之外,我感觉很好。)

- Apart from the cost, the dress is perfect.(除了价格之外,这件连衣裙很完美。)

- He has few friends apart from his classmates.(除了他的同学之外,他几乎没有朋友。)

- Apart from a few minor problems, the project is progressing well.(除了一些小问题之外,这个项目进展顺利。)

- I like reading books and listening to music. Apart from these hobbies, I also enjoy sports.(我喜欢读书和听音乐。除了这些爱好之外,我还喜欢运动。)

- Apart from you, no one knows the truth.(除了你之外,没有人知道真相。)

- The city has many attractions apart from its historical sites.(这个城市除了历史遗迹之外还有很多景点。)

- Apart from the rain, we had a great picnic.(除了下雨之外,我们的野餐很愉快。)

- She is good at all subjects apart from chemistry.(除了化学之外,她擅长所有科目。)

- Apart from his parents, he has no one to turn to.(除了他的父母之外,他没有人可以求助。)

- The hotel is nice apart from the slow service.(这家酒店除了服务慢之外都很好。)

- Apart from a headache, I don't feel any other symptoms.(除了头痛之外,我没有感觉到其他症状。)

- The movie was interesting apart from the predictable ending.(这部电影除了结尾可预测之外很有趣。)

- Apart from this one mistake, your work is excellent.(除了这一个错误之外,你的工作很出色。)

- The garden is beautiful apart from the damaged flowers.(这个花园除了受损的花朵之外很漂亮。)

- Apart from being a little expensive, the restaurant is very good.(除了有点贵之外,这家餐厅非常好。)

- The concert was wonderful apart from the loud noise.(这场音乐会除了噪音大之外很精彩。)
