
2024-10-18 16:30 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:57人



1. I misunderstood your intentions.(我误解了你的意图。)

2. Don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean it that way.(别误解我。我不是那个意思。)

3. She misunderstood his silence as indifference.(她把他的沉默误解为冷漠。)

4. We often misunderstand each other due to cultural differences.(由于文化差异,我们经常互相误解。)

5. He realized he had misunderstood the instructions.(他意识到自己误解了指令。)

6. The argument arose because of a misunderstanding.(争论是因为误解而产生的。)

7. I don't want to be misunderstood.(我不想被误解。)

8. They had a serious misunderstanding that needed to be resolved.(他们有一个严重的误解需要解决。)

9. Misunderstanding can lead to conflicts.(误解可能导致冲突。)

10. Try to avoid misunderstandings by communicating clearly.(通过清晰地沟通来避免误解。)



1. False advertising can mislead consumers.(虚假广告会误导消费者。)

2. Don't be misled by appearances.(不要被外表误导。)

3. The politician's speech misled the public.(那位政治家的演讲误导了公众。)

4. He was misled into believing a lie.(他被误导相信了一个谎言。)

5. We must not mislead our children.(我们不能误导我们的孩子。)

6. The report may mislead people into thinking the situation is better than it is.(这份报告可能会误导人们认为情况比实际更好。)

7. Don't let false rumors mislead you.(不要让虚假谣言误导你。)

8. She was misled by his charming words.(她被他迷人的话语误导了。)

9. Misleading information can cause problems.(误导性的信息会引起问题。)

10. We should be careful not to be misled by false promises.(我们应该小心,不要被虚假的承诺误导。)



1. Don't misuse public resources.(不要滥用公共资源。)

2. The power was misused by some officials.(权力被一些官员滥用。)

3. He misused his authority.(他滥用了他的权力。)

4. Misusing drugs can have serious consequences.(滥用药物会有严重后果。)

5. We should not misuse our talents.(我们不应该滥用我们的才能。)

6. The word was misused in the sentence.(这个词在句子中被误用了。)

7. Don't misuse company property.(不要滥用公司财产。)

8. She was accused of misusing funds.(她被指控滥用资金。)

9. Misusing technology can be dangerous.(滥用技术可能是危险的。)

10. We need to educate people about not misusing natural resources.(我们需要教育人们不要滥用自然资源。)



1. He miscalculated the cost of the project.(他算错了这个项目的成本。)

2. Don't miscalculate the time needed.(不要错误地计算所需的时间。)

3. The company miscalculated its market share.(公司算错了它的市场份额。)

4. She miscalculated the distance.(她算错了距离。)

5. We must be careful not to miscalculate the risks.(我们必须小心,不要错误地计算风险。)

6. His miscalculation led to a loss.(他的错误计算导致了损失。)

7. Don't miscalculate your chances of success.(不要错误地估计你成功的机会。)

8. The engineer miscalculated the strength of the material.(工程师算错了材料的强度。)

9. Miscalculating can have serious consequences.(算错可能会有严重后果。)

10. We should double-check our calculations to avoid miscalculation.(我们应该仔细检查我们的计算,以避免算错。)



1. The company was mismanaged and went bankrupt.(这家公司管理不善,破产了。)

2. Don't mismanage your finances.(不要对你的财务处理不当。)

3. The project was mismanaged from the start.(这个项目从一开始就管理不善。)

4. He mismanaged the team and lost the game.(他对团队管理不善,输掉了比赛。)

5. We must not mismanage public affairs.(我们不能对公共事务处理不当。)

6. The mismanagement of resources led to shortages.(资源管理不善导致短缺。)

7. Don't let emotions mismanage your decisions.(不要让情绪影响你的决策,导致处理不当。)

8. She was criticized for mismanaging the department.(她因对部门管理不善而受到批评。)

9. Mismanaging a business can be disastrous.(对企业管理不善可能是灾难性的。)

10. We need better leadership to avoid mismanagement.(我们需要更好的领导来避免管理不善。)
