
2024-10-26 07:52 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:79人


The是定冠词,表示特指的人、物或者群体,它的作用有时相当于指示代词this, that, these, those,表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些”。它也可以用在名词前,表示特指说话双方的人或者上文中提到的人或者事物。


The boysin the playground are playing football.操场上的男孩子们正在踢足球。

The bottleon the desk is mine.桌子上的 那个瓶子是我的。

Give me the book.把那本书给我。


The computeris on the desk.电脑在桌子上。

Where is the ruler?尺子在哪里?


This is a pen.The pen is black.


This is a book .The book is very interesting.



the sun 太阳 the earth 地球 the moon 月亮

the world 世界 the Great Wall长城 the United States美国

the Pacific Ocean太平洋 the Tianshan Mountains天山山脉

the Atlantic.大西洋 the Arctic Ocean北冰洋

5.the + 形容词”,表示一类人。

the old 老人 the young 年轻人 the rich 富人 the poor 穷人

6.用在方位名词前。the east 东方 the west 西方


Play the piano弹钢琴

play the violin拉小提琴

play the piano弹钢琴

play the drums敲鼓


The Great Wall 长城 The Summer Palace 颐和园

the Children's Palace.少年宫


In the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening


around the world 世界各地

do the dishes 清洗餐具

go to the movies = go to see a film 看电影

take the subway 乘地铁

in the countryside 在乡下;在农村

in the face of 面对(问题、困难等)

at the top of...在……顶部或顶端

in the end 最后

on the whole 大体上


The Greens were having lunch when I got there.


The Reds雷德一家 The Browns布郎一家


The new is sure to replace the old.


The dog is one of the cleverest animals in the world.


The panda is kind of shy.熊猫有点儿害羞。


Tom is one of the tallest students in our class.




the first time(第一次)the second one(第二个)

All the students take five subjects in the first year.


14.用在next, last, same, only等词前。

Are you the only child?你是独生子吗?

No. I have a sister.不是,我有一个姐姐。


the Spring Festival春节;

the Dragon Boat Festival端午节;

the Mid-autumn Day 中秋节






Its anapple. Its sweet.这是一个苹果。它很甜。

There is an elephant in the zoo.动物园里有一头大象.

She is cutting anonion.她在切洋葱。

That isanumbrella.那是一把伞.

a university [junivsiti] student 一位大学生

Half an hour has passed.半小时过去了。

It's an honour to be invited to your dinner.很荣幸被邀请参加你的晚宴。

In those years he was just an unknown pianist.在时的他只是一个默默无闻的钢琴家。

An)( honest man never lies.诚实的人从不说谎。

In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful thing . This is a usual thing .在一所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着一件有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。这是一件平常的事情。

(2)An hour ago, an honest man accepted an unusual gift and went to finish an honorable task .一个小时以前,老实人接受了一件非同寻常的礼物,去完成了一件光荣的任务。





basketball/football/tennis/ping-pong 打蓝球/踢足球/打乒乓球/

have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早餐/吃午餐/吃晚餐

in spring / in summer / in autumn / in winter 在春天/在夏天/在秋天/在冬天

speak English/Chinese/Japanese说英语/汉语/日语

in January /in February / in March / in April / in May / in June / in July / in August / in September /in October /in November / in December.在一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月

by bus/car/ taxi /subway /train /plane

watch movies 看电影





⑤固定词组如:go to school去上学 go to bed去睡觉



1._____peach 2._____book 3.__apple 4.__pear

5.__cake 6.____orange 7.___ear

8.______hamburger 9.__pencil

10.____eye 11.____egg 12.____umbrella

13.___hour 14._____ice cream 15._____artist

16.____elephant 17.____English teacher 18.____ox

19.____useful book 20.______old man 21.___ant

22.____goose 23.______onion 24.______yo-yo


1.a 一个桃子2.a 一本书3.an 一个苹果4.a 一个梨子

5.a 一个蛋糕6.an 一个橙子7.an 一只耳朵8.a 一个汉堡

9.a 一支铅笔10.an 一只眼睛11.an 一个鸡蛋

12.an 一把雨伞13.an 一个小时14.an 一个冰淇淋

15.an 一位艺术家16.an 一头大象17.an 一位英语老师

18.an 一头公牛19.a 一本有用的书20.an 一位老人

21.an 一只蚂蚁22.a 一只大鹅23.an 一颗洋葱

24.a 一个溜溜球


25.Look at____girl.

26.I have __red apple.The apple is so good.

27.___Browns are funny.

28.This is____orange tree.

29.I can see _____cars and the moon.

30.Please open____door.

31.This is____egg.

32.I have________idea.

33.There is____TV in the classroom.

34.Have _____rest!You are so tired!()

35.The boy can play____football.

36.Can your sister play_____guitar?

37.I can see ___sun.It is yellow.

38.There is _____old woman one the street(街道).

39.She is _____English teacher.

40.-Which picture is more beautiful?

-______ one on the left,I think.

41.He likes playing _____ football.

His sister likes playing ______piano.

42.They often play _____basketball after school.

43.We have no classes in_____afternoon on____Saturday.

44.Beijing is____capital of china .It is ____beautiful city.

45.There is ______interesting picture on_____wall.

46.September 10th is_____Teacher's Day.

47.There are four seasons in_____year._____first season is spring .

48.__man at ____door is_____university student.

49.She loves____music of_____film.

50._____history is my favorite subject ,but I am not good at____Chinese.

51.There is____cup on the table. ____cup is mine.

52.There is______English book in my schoolbag.

53.I can see_____moon in the sky.

54.It is _____ university.

55.She is_____honest girl.

56.He can speak _____Chinese well.

57. It is _____ exciting job.

58._____Smiths are at home.

59. It is warm in____spring.

60. He went to ______Great Wall last week.


25.the26.a27.The28.an 29./30.the31.an32.an33.a 34.a

35./36.the37.the38.an39.an40.The41./; the42./43.the;/44.the; a45.an; the46./47.a; The

48.The; the; a49./ ; the50.The; /51.a; The



61.We can't see____sun at_____night.

A. The; the B.the; / C.a; / D.a; the

【答案】B【解析】sun(太阳),世界上独一无二的事物前加the; at night在晚上, 是固定短语。 故选B

62.Eric is not going to Zhengzhou by ____plan,Instead ,he is taking____ train.

A./ ;a B.a;/ C.a; the D.the; a

【答案】A【解析】by+交通工具名词,表示“乘坐..., by plane乘坐飞机; take a train坐火车。 故选A

63.___man in black is from___Australia.

A.The; the B.A; / C.The ;/ D.A ;the

【答案】C【解析】第一空,特指“穿黑色衣服的男人”, 用the; 第二空,国家名前不用冠词。 故选C

64.These is _______sin the word bus.

A.a B.an C.the D./

【答案】B【解析】“s”,读作/es/, 读音是元音音素开头, an。 故选B

65.I can see a little white sheep in the field. __sheep is Nancy's.

A.A B.The C.An D./

【答案】B【解析】第一次提到用不定冠词,第二次提到用定冠词the。 故选B

66.-Does Jim have_____ruler? -Yes, he has_____.

A.an ;some B.a ; one C.a;/ D.any; one

【答案】B【解析】第一空,ruler(直尺)是可数名词,单独使用要加a, 排除选项A和选项D; 第二空,“他有一把直尺” , 省略了ruler, 前句已经提到了ruler,因此回答的时候说话双方都知道的事物可以省略。 故选B

67.--Do you like _____movie Zootopia?

-Yes, it is_____interesting film.

A.a; an B.the; an C.a;the

【答案】B【解析】第一空,表示特指; 第二空,interesting(有趣的),元音因素开头,用an, an interesting film(一部有趣的电影),故选B

68.____Greens live in Canada.

A.The B.A C.An D./

【答案】A【解析】the +姓氏复数,表示“一家人”。 故选A

69.There is___elephant under the tree.

__elephant is so big.

A.an; A B.an;The C.a;An D.a;The

【答案】B【解析】第一空,elephant(大象)是可数名词,单数使用要加an;第二空,第一次提到用不定冠词,第二次提到用定冠词。 故选B

70.Lily is good at music and likes playing_____piano.

A.a B./ C.the

【答案】C【解析】play+the +乐器名词,

play the piano(弹钢琴),故选C

71.The boys sometimes play___basketball after school.

A./ B.with C.the

【答案】A【解析】play+球类运动名词, 不加the, 故选A

72._____money is from___Japan.

A.The; a B.A; the C.The,/ D. The,the

【答案】C【解析】第一空,特指; 第二空,国家名前不用冠词。 故选C

73.Shanghai is in__east of China.

A./ B.an C.the D./


in the east of(在.......的东部),故选C

74.__sugar on the table is yours.Mine is in the box.

A./ B.The C.A D.Some of


75.Lucy is__university student.She likes playing______piano.

A.a;/ B.a; the C.an;/ D.an; the【答案】B【解析】第一空,student(学生)是可数名词,单独使用要加不定冠词, 横线后是university(大学),是辅音音素开头的词汇, 用a; play the piano(弹钢琴), 故选B

76.After watching____TV , she played_____violin for an hour.

A./; / B.the; the C.the;/ D./; the【答案】D【解析】第一空,watch TV(看电视),固定短语; 第二空, play the violin(拉小提琴), 故选D

77.Millie has___e-dog and its name is Hobo.

A.a B.an C .the D./【答案】B【解析】e-dog(电子狗),是可数名词, “e”开头,发音/i:/是元音音素,用an。故选B

78.Who is ____better, LiPing or Wang Dong?

A.the B.a C.an D./

【答案】A【解析】虽然题目中没有出现of the two,但是比较的对象只有两个,因此要用定冠词the+比较级, 故选A

79.I have _____uncle and he works in_____Shanghai.

A.a;/ B.an;/ C.a; the D.an; the

【答案】B【解析】第一空,uncle(伯父)是可数名词, 元音音素开头,用an; in+大地名, 不需要用冠词。 故选B

80.At that time Tom was___one-year-old baby.

A.a B.an C.the D./

【答案】A【解析】baby(婴儿)是可数名词,横线后one是辅音音素开头的词汇,用a。 故选A

81.-Can you help you, madam?

-I'm looking for ___pair of shoes for my daughter.

A.the B.an C.a D.some

【答案】C【解析】pair(双),是可数名词, a pair of 表示“一双”, 故选C

82.--Do you have_____bike?

-Sorry,I don't have one.A.a B.the C./ D.an.

【答案】A【解析】bike(自行车)是可数名词,单数使用要加不定冠词a。 故选A

83.Mr. Smith is___old man and he usually walks walks his dog after ___ supper.

A.a, the B.an, a C.an,/ D.the, / 【答案】C【解析】第一空, man(人)是可数名词, 横线后old是元音音素开头的词汇,用an, an old man(一位老人); 第二空, supper(晚餐),三餐前不用冠词。 故选C

84.They made her _____queen.

A.a B.the C.an D./ 【答案】B【解析】表示特指,故选B

85.The boy in_____ blue shirt and____ white pants is Peter.

A.a;a B./; / C./;a D.a;/【答案】D【解析】第一空, shirt(衬衫)是可数名词,横线后blue是辅音音素开头的词汇,用a; pants(裤子)是复数,因此不需要冠词, 故选D

86.--Look! Who's____boy over there?

-Oh, he's my cousin,Bob. He is ______honest boy.

A.a, the B.the, a C.the, an

【答案】C【解析】第一空,表特指,用the; 第二空, boy(男孩)是可数名词,横线后honest(诚实的),是元音因素开头的词汇,用an, an honest boy(一个城市的男孩)。 故选C
