
2024-10-28 16:49 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:53人



1. 承上启下

--Following(现在分词) the incident described(过去分词作定语) above/mentioned earlier...在上述/前面提到的事件之后....

--Continuing(现在分词) with the story/plot unfolded(过去分词作定语) above...继续上面展开的故事/情节....

 --As the story progresses/develops further...随着故事的进一步发展

2. 引入新情节 

 --Little did they know that an unexpected (过去分词作定语)event was about to unfold...他们一点也不知道一件意想不到的事情即将发生...

 --Unbeknownst to them, a series of surprising (现在分词作定语)events were about to take place...他们不知道的是,一系列令人惊讶的事件即将发生...

 --Suddenly, a new twist emerged that would change everything...-突然,一个新的转折出现了,它将改变一切...

3. 情感表达

--Overwhelmed (过去分词作状语)with emotions, he/she couldn't help but feel...由于情绪激动,他/她不禁感到...

--Deep inside, a sense of...began to stir within him/her...在内心深处,一种...开始在他/她心中激荡...

--Filled with a mixture of feelings(过去分词作状语), he/she realized that...-怀着复杂的感情,他/她意识到...


1. 描述人物性格或行为

--Characterized by his/her unwavering determination(过去分词短语作状语), he/she...以他/她坚定不移的决心为特征,他/她...

--His/her compassionate nature led him/her to...-他/她的同情心使他/她...

--Driven by a strong sense of responsibility(过去分词短语作状语), he/she...-在强烈责任感的驱使下,他/她...

2. 阐述事件发展

   - As the days/weeks/months passed, the situation gradually evolved into...随着几天/几周/几个月的过去,情况逐渐演变成...

   - With each passing(现在分词短语作定语), moment, the tension grew increasingly intense...随着时间的推移,紧张局势日益加剧...

   - Under the circumstances, he/she had no choice but to...-在这种情况下,他/她别无选择...

3. 表达观点或看法-在这种情况下,他/她别无选择...

   - In my opinion/view, the protagonist's decision to...was both brave and wise.-在我看来,主角的决定...既勇敢又明智。

   - From a broader perspective, this event serves as a powerful reminder that...-从更广泛的角度来看,这一事件有力地提醒了我们...

   - It is evident that the author intends to convey the message that...-很明显,作者想要传达的信息是...



-In conclusion, the story highlights the importance of...总之,这个故事强调了…的重要性...
 -To sum up(不定式短语), the protagonist's journey teaches us valuable lessons about...—综上所述,主人公的旅程教给我们关于...   

- Ultimately, the narrative reinforces the idea that...-最终,故事强化了这样一个观点...

2. 展望未来
- Looking ahead(现在分词短语作状语),, it is likely that...-展望未来,很可能...
- As the future unfolds, we can expect to see... -怀着希望,我们期待着...

With hope in our hearts, we anticipate that...随着未来的展开,我们可以期待看到... 

3. 情感升华
- The experience left a profound impact on him/her, reminding him/her that...-这次经历给他/她留下了深刻的影响,提醒他/她...

- Through this ordeal, he/she learned an invaluable lesson about...-通过这次磨难,他/她学到了宝贵的一课...

- Emotionally transformed(过去分词短语作状语),, he/she emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before...
