
2024-10-28 16:49 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:50人




动作链:得知考试失利 → 心情低落,不愿与人交流 → 独自一人走在校园里,回想着考试中的失误 → 决定调整心态,重新规划学习计划 → 再次投入到学习中 → 逐渐找回自信,并在下一次考试中取得优异成绩

例子: Learned about failing the major exam → Felt depressed and didn’t want to talk to anyone → Walked alone in the campus, reflecting on mistakes made during the exam → Decided to adjust mindset and replan the study strategy → Reengaged in studies → Gradually regained confidence and achieved excellent results in the next exam.



动作链:被老师选中参加演讲比赛 → 感到紧张和害怕,想要放弃 → 开始准备演讲稿,但每次练习都满头大汗 → 在家人的鼓励下,决定不放弃 → 每天对着镜子练习,并在同学面前试讲 → 比赛当天虽然紧张,但站上讲台后,渐渐进入状态 → 最终顺利完成演讲,获得掌声与认可

例子:Chosen by the teacher to participate in a speech competition → Felt nervous and scared, wanted to give up → Started preparing the speech, but every practice session ended with sweaty palms → Encouraged by family, decided not to quit → Practiced in front of the mirror every day and did trial speeches in front of classmates → On the competition day, felt anxious but gradually got into the flow after stepping onto the stage → Successfully finished the speech and received applause and recognition.



动作链:和朋友们一起去冒险公园游玩 → 被朋友怂恿尝试高空滑索 → 看着高耸的设备,感到双腿发软 → 几次想退出,但不甘心就此放弃 → 决定尝试,在教练的指导下绑上安全带 → 深吸一口气,鼓起勇气从平台上跃下 → 滑索带着他飞驰而过,最后成功到达对面 → 虽然惊魂未定,但感受到了一种从未有过的成就感

例子: Went to an adventure park with friends → Persuaded by friends to try zip-lining → Felt weak in the knees while looking at the towering equipment → Wanted to back out several times but didn’t want to give up so easily → Decided to try, put on the safety harness under the coach’s guidance → Took a deep breath and jumped off the platform → Flew across the zip line and successfully reached the other side → Though still shaking, felt a sense of achievement like never before.



动作链:体检结果不佳,决定开始健身 → 刚开始觉得很难,每次锻炼后都全身酸痛 → 几次想放弃,但又被健身房的朋友鼓励 → 每天坚持打卡,不断挑战自己 → 慢慢地体力增强,心态也逐渐乐观起来 → 最终成功减重,身体变得更加健康 → 收获自信,并开始帮助其他人健身

例子: Received poor health results during a medical check-up and decided to start working out → Found it very difficult at first, feeling sore all over after each workout → Wanted to quit several times but was encouraged by gym friends → Showed up every day and constantly challenged oneself → Gradually built up stamina and developed a positive mindset → Eventually lost weight and became healthier → Gained confidence and began helping others with their fitness journeys.



动作链:申请的梦想学校被拒绝 → 感到失落和沮丧 → 独自坐在房间里,反思自己过去的努力 → 决定重新振作,寻找其他发展机会 → 积极参加课外活动,提升综合能力 → 最终获得另一所名校的录取通知书 → 深感任何挫折都只是暂时的,重要的是不放弃追梦的决心

例子: Rejected by the dream school → Felt disappointed and frustrated → Sat alone in the room, reflecting on past efforts → Decided to pull oneself together and look for other opportunities → Actively participated in extracurricular activities to enhance overall skills → Eventually received an acceptance letter from another prestigious university → Realized that setbacks are only temporary, and what matters most is not giving up on pursuing dreams.



动作链:在艺术创作上遇到瓶颈 → 灵感枯竭,画作总是不尽如人意 → 开始怀疑自己是否适合做艺术家 → 几次试图放下画笔,但总是不甘心 → 决定外出旅行寻找灵感 → 旅途中被自然的美丽和当地文化所打动 → 回来后重新拿起画笔,创作出一幅全新的作品,获得老师的赞赏 → 体会到困境中的坚持和突破的重要性

例子: Encountered a bottleneck in artistic creation → Experienced creative exhaustion, and artworks were always unsatisfactory → Began to doubt if becoming an artist was the right path → Tried to put down the paintbrush several times but couldn’t bear to give up → Decided to go on a trip to seek inspiration → During the journey, moved by the beauty of nature and the local culture → Returned and picked up the brush again, creating a brand-new piece that earned the teacher’s praise → Understood the importance of persistence and breakthroughs in difficult times.



动作链:在社交平台上遭遇网络霸凌 → 感到恐惧和无助,不敢面对朋友和家人 → 决定关闭社交账号,暂时逃避 → 后来朋友发现异样,主动联系并给予支持 → 在朋友的陪伴下决定采取法律行动 → 最终成功阻止了霸凌者,保护了自己的权益 → 从此开始积极推广反网络霸凌的意识,帮助更多人走出困境

例子: Encountered cyberbullying on social media → Felt scared and helpless, didn’t dare face friends or family → Decided to deactivate social accounts and temporarily escape → Friends noticed something was wrong and reached out to offer support → Decided to take legal action with friends’ company → Successfully stopped the bully and protected personal rights → Started promoting anti-cyberbullying awareness and helped more people out of similar situations.



动作链:得知亲人突然离世的消息 → 情绪崩溃,无法接受现实 → 每天躲在房间里,拒绝与人交流 → 慢慢地意识到自己无法一直沉浸在悲痛中 → 决定走出家门,回到学校与朋友相处 → 通过写日记和亲人对话 → 逐渐走出阴霾,怀着感恩的心继续生活

例子: Received news of a loved one’s sudden passing → Emotionally broke down, couldn’t accept the reality → Hid in the room every day, refusing to communicate with others → Gradually realized that one couldn’t stay immersed in grief forever → Decided to step out and return to school, interacting with friends → Started writing a journal to “converse” with the loved one → Gradually emerged from the shadows, continuing life with a heart full of gratitude.



动作链:在学校舞台剧表演时出现严重失误 → 被观众嘲笑,感到十分羞愧 → 结束后独自一人躲在后台,泪流满面 → 导师过来安慰,并鼓励他不要被一次失败打倒 → 决定重新练习,提高自己的表演水平 → 再次登上舞台时,凭借出色的表现赢得满堂喝彩 → 明白了失败是成长的一部分,只要不放弃,终将成功

例子: Made a major mistake during a school play performance → Laughed at by the audience, feeling deeply ashamed → Hid alone backstage, crying uncontrollably → Mentor came to comfort and encouraged not to be defeated by one failure → Decided to practice harder and improve performance skills → Returned to the stage and won applause with an excellent performance → Understood that failure is part of growth, and as long as one doesn’t give up, success will come.



动作链:感到生活无趣,决定独自去国外旅行 → 在异国他乡迷失方向和目标 → 在旅途中经历各种挑战和困难 → 与当地人交流时意外发现自己的兴趣点 → 决定学习当地的手工艺,重拾生活热情 → 最终带着全新的作品和心态回国 → 回归生活后,将旅行中的所学应用到工作中,找到新的目标

例子: Felt life was dull and decided to travel abroad alone → Lost direction and purpose in a foreign land → Encountered various challenges and difficulties during the trip → Accidentally discovered personal interests while communicating with locals → Decided to learn local handicrafts, reigniting passion for life → Finally returned home with new creations and a refreshed mindset → Applied what was learned during the journey to work, finding a new goal.
