
2024-10-28 16:48 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:81人

句式1:With +复合结构”又称为“with结构”

At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。

Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。

1. 那女孩张大了嘴巴,打开了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+adj.open)

2. 女孩心怦怦直跳(beat wildly),打开(unwrap)了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+分词)

3. 他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水(full of tears/filled with tears)

4. 那个人躺在地上,双手颤抖着。(on the ground, tremble)

The girl unwrapped the gift box with her mouth wide open.

The girl unwrapped the gift box with her heart beating wildly.

His wife was extremely sad, with eyes full of tears / with tears rolling down her face

句式2 :并列谓语,细化动作 A, B and C

When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。

句式3 :句子+ing/ed或ing/ed+句子用于表示动作伴随,原因或结果

Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。

句式4 巧用生动的无灵主语: A strong/intense sense of delight took hold of me the moment I heard the news.


happiness/joy/delight 开心

anger/rage/fury 狂怒

sadness/sorrow 悲伤

gratitude/appreciation 感激

admiration 钦佩/赞赏

guilt/remorse  愧疚悔恨

fear/terror/fright/panic 害怕

astonishment/shock/surprise 震惊



catch (caught过去式)

strike (struck 过去式)


take hold of

wash over

come over


句式5 :情感形容词+句子

Relieved(=breathing a sigh of relief), Eric thanked the man and switched the frequency back, “Mac, help is coming!” But there was no response.埃里克松了一口气,向那个人表示感谢,并将频率调回,“麦克,救命来了!”但没有回应。

Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。


After what seemed like a century, Eric heard another voice. It was Slide Mountain Rescue who finally came!好像经历了一个世纪之后,埃里克听到了另一个声音。终于来了,是雪山救援队!

句式7:. “一……就……”的表达法:as soon as, hardly/scarcely…when…, no sooner… than…, the moment/minute/second/instant, immediately/instantly/directly, on/upon+n.doing。

The moment the announcer announced “Number 11, Jodie Nymble, takes the gold for Riverside Middle School”,thunderous cheers and laughter filled the Hidden Park. 当播音员宣布“11号,Jodie Nymble,为Riverside Middle School夺金”的那一刻,雷鸣般的欢呼和笑声充满了 Hidden Park.


At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。

句式9 :主句,which从句(定语从句)

格式:_______主句________, which 第二句话;

例句:玛丽打开门看到了小女孩,她有着令她熟悉的眼睛和黑色的头发Mary opened the door and saw the little girl,who had familiar eyes and black hair

结构2格式:_______主句________, which enable/ forced/ allowed sb to do; _______主句________, which made/forced/allowed sb 感情词

例句:就在这时,我们听到了Uncle Paul远处传来的微弱声音,这重新点燃了我们回家的希望。

Just at the moment, we heard the faint voice in the distance from Uncle Paul, which allowed us to light the hope returning home.

句式10 :描写气氛或者氛围的句子。(情感词+ fill +地点)

Worry and anxiety filled the air.空气中弥漫着忧虑和焦虑。


Jodie was so excited and refreshed that she yelled out “My lucky spikes”.朱迪非常兴奋,神清气爽,她大叫“我的幸运钉”。

1.兴奋:I was so excited/thrilled that I gave a jump in the air.我动得跳了起来

2.开心:I was so happy/cheerful that I jumped up and down.我高兴得上跑下跳

3.感动: I was so moved that I failed to say a word.我感动得一句话也说不出来

4.悲伤: I was so sad that I hid my face in my hands我难受得用手捂住了脸。

5.(生气)I was so angry that I failed to say a word我气得一句话也说不出。

6.(害怕) I was so scared/frightened that my palms sweated and my heart pounded.


7.(羞愧) I was so ashamed that I could feel my face burning.我羞愧得感觉自己的脸在燃烧。

升级 倒装 

So shocked was I that I was frozen to the spot the moment I heard the news.(当我听到消息时候,我太震惊了以至于呆在原地)


(1)Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。

(2)When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。

(3)Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。


Not until then did Jodie realize that luck would always favor her as long as she spared no effort to do it.直到那时,朱迪才意识到,只要她不遗余力地去做,运气总是会眷顾她。



(1) 倒装句:not until+时间状语 did sb realize that+主题从句

(2) 强调句:it was only then that sb realized that+主题从句



One’s words echoed/ rang out in one’s ears that+主题

My teacher’s encouraging words still echoed/ lingered/ rang out in my ears, bringing me a glimmer/ ray/ beam of hope.

It was my mother who taught us to hold a positive attitude to life.


It was love that makes the world go around.


She said that it was my company and encouragement that not only made her happy but also improved her confidence.(她说正是我的陪伴和鼓励不仅使我快乐而且提高了我的信心)

句式14  独立主格结构

She took money with shaking hands, tears welling up in her eyes. 

句式15 名词性从句


结构1:It is +adj for sb that…

结构2:what I could do/say/… is to

what (counts/matters/impress me) most is that … =it is important that…

What make me anxious is that >>>>




What we could do was to go back along the previous track.


What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.

句式16 【毫不犹豫/迫不及待做某事】

1、Withoutdelay/ hesitation/ a second thought

2、Could not/ hardly wait to do sth



Ona snowy winter morning with the freezing/ bitterly cold water, the young man jumped into the river without delay/ hesitation/ a second thought, reaching for my son.


Icould hardly wait to inform my mother of this good news.
