
2024-10-26 07:52 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:44人

Learning objectives

1. Grasp the structure and features of a thank-you letter

2. Master some words and expressions to express your gratitude.

3. Participate in classroom activities actively and enhance your confidence in written expression.

4. Learn to show gratitude to the people and things around you.

Learning key points

Learn how to write a thank-you letter.

三、Learning difficult points

Students can use the expressions properly and write a thank-you letter precisely.

四、Teaching procedures

Step 1:Lead-in

T:Before we learn, I would like to show you a chart. Please look at the red parts.

What do they have incommon?


TThey are all about practical writings

So today we will focus on learning how to write a practical writing, a letter of thanks.

Step 2: Reading to learn

Activity 1 learning about the structure and features

T: Read the sample and figureout the structureand the features of a thank-you letter.



para 1: beginning

para 2: main body              

para 3: ending                 

Features:Which one is not a feature of a thank-you letter?

A.the third person


C.past simple and present simple tense

Activity 2 Comparing

Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Which one isbetter? Write down your reasons:


Step 3 Learning to write

Activity 3 Sentence writing

Show students how toanalyze the sentence so as tosummarize the sentence

pattern and how towrite with the sentencepattern with paragraph 1.

Para 1: Learning that our class won the first prize in the campus chorus competitionI am writing to extend my sincere appreciation to you for your professional guidance and assistance.

(1) 句式总结:Learning that +背景,I am writing to +目的 for +原因.

(2) 一词多译:得知/了解Hearing/ Knowing that

表达extend ,express,convey______________


感谢:gratitude/appreciation/thanks to sb._________________

(3) 小试牛刀:得知我被悉尼大学录取,我此番来信是为了表达对您的诚挚谢意

Hearing that I have been admitted to Sydney University, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for your generous help.

(Ask studentsto work together in a group of 4 and do as the teacher shows to finish the following task.)

Para 2:It was your encouragement and invaluable advice that improve our technical skills and overall stage presence.

Without your help, we wouldn’t have won this award.

(1)句式总结: It is/was +强调部分+that/who......

Without/But for/Had it not been for your help, 主语 wouldn’t have ...


(3)小试牛刀: 给我印象最深的是,是你甚至花了几个周末帮我面试。没有您一直及时的支持和鼓励,我不可能克服录取的困难。

What impressed me most was that it was you who even spent several weekends helping me with my interview. But for your timely support and encouragement then, I could not have overcome the difficulty in my admission. _________________________________________________________


Not only did it fill us with a sense of accomplishment,but also boosted our confidence in our abilities.

(1)句式总结: Not only did it do…but also did…(倒装句式)

(2)小试牛刀: 你不仅为我写了一封悉尼大学的推荐信,还就如何填写


Not only did you write a letter of recommendation for me to Sydney University, but also gave me detailed guidance on how to fill the application forms.


Para 3:My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.

(1)句式总结: words/gratitude作无灵主语

Words fail to convey our sincere gratitude to you.

My true gratitude is beyond any words/description.


Words fail to convey our sincere gratitude to you.Thanks again and wish you all the best!

Step 4 Writing

假定你是李华, 外教Mr White去年十月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学录取。请给他写一封邮件表示感谢,内容包括:

1. 告知录取消息,表达感谢;2. 回顾Mr White对你的帮助;3. 表达祝愿。


1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:推荐 recommendation, 悉尼大学Sydney University


Dear Mr White,

Hearing that I have been admitted to Sydney University, I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation to you for your generous help.

Not only did you write a letter of recommendation for me to Sydney University, but also gave me detailed and practical guidance on how to fill the application forms. What impressed me most was that it was you who even spent several weekends helping me with my interview. But for your constant and timely support and encouragement then, I could not have overcome the difficulty in my admission.

My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description. Thanks again and wish you all the best!


Li Hua



1.Some key words and sentence patterns

2. How to write about a thank-you letter precisely


Polish your writing and write a thank-you letter to the people around you.
