高中英语读后续写(instead of应用)

2024-10-26 07:52 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:38人

用 instead of 强调后半句的(性格或者品质)


1. Instead of giving up, she continued studying hard for the college entrance exam.
She set a strict study schedule and reviewed her notes every night. Her determination paid off when she achieved a score higher than she had ever imagined.

2. Instead of quitting the marathon, he pushed through the pain and finished the race.
Despite feeling exhausted at the halfway point, he reminded himself of the training he had completed. Crossing the finish line filled him with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

3. Instead of losing hope, she kept applying for jobs until she found the right one.
She tailored her resume for each application and practiced her interview skills diligently. Her persistence finally paid off when she received an offer from her dream company.

4. Instead of abandoning her goal, he committed to memorizing English vocabulary every day.
He used flashcards and set small daily targets to keep himself motivated. Over time, his vocabulary expanded significantly, boosting his confidence in speaking.

5. Instead of surrendering to frustration, she practiced her skills consistently to improve.
She sought feedback from her teachers and worked on her weaknesses diligently. This commitment to improvement helped her excel in her studies and gain recognition.


1. Instead of being stingy, she generously shared her study materials with her classmates.
She organized a study group and provided notes and resources for everyone. This not only helped her peers but also strengthened their friendship.

2. Instead of hoarding snacks, he happily shared his favorite treats with his friends.
He brought a variety of snacks to the gathering and encouraged everyone to try them. His generosity made the event more enjoyable and created a fun atmosphere.

3. Instead of keeping his wealth to himself, he actively donated to charity organizations.
He regularly contributed to local shelters and participated in fundraising events. His efforts made a significant impact on the community and inspired others to give as well.

4. Instead of being critical, she took the time to analyze English texts and help her friends understand them.
She offered to explain difficult passages and provided helpful tips for improving their language skills. Her support boosted their confidence and made learning more enjoyable.

5. Instead of being selfish, he treated his relatives to dinner whenever they visited.
He chose nice restaurants and made sure everyone had a great time. His hospitality created lasting memories and strengthened family bonds.


1. Instead of procrastinating, she dedicated her evenings to studying for the exam.
She created a study schedule and stuck to it, ensuring she covered all the material. This commitment boosted her confidence and helped her perform well on the test.

2. Instead of slacking off, he put in extra hours at work to meet the deadline.
He stayed late at the office, collaborating with his team to finalize the project. His dedication impressed his manager and earned him recognition.

3. Instead of skipping workouts, she committed to her training routine every morning.
She woke up early, laced up her sneakers, and hit the gym with determination. This consistency not only improved her fitness but also boosted her overall mood.

4. Instead of avoiding English practice, he actively sought opportunities to improve his skills.
He joined a language exchange group and practiced speaking with native speakers. This proactive approach helped him gain confidence and fluency in English.

5. Instead of being lazy with deliveries, she made sure to complete each order promptly.
She organized her route efficiently, ensuring that food arrived hot and fresh. Her reliability earned her many repeat customers and positive reviews.


1. Instead of backing away, she stepped forward to confront the challenge.
Her heart raced, but she focused on her goal, determined to succeed. This courage inspired her teammates to follow her lead.

2. Instead of panicking, he took a deep breath and assessed the situation.
He quickly analyzed the risks and formulated a plan, showing his ability to stay calm under pressure. His clear thinking helped everyone around him feel more secure.

3. Instead of running away, she faced her fears head-on.
She reminded herself of her past successes, which gave her the confidence to move forward. This determination allowed her to overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable.

4. Instead of feeling intimidated, he embraced the opportunity to learn.
He approached the new task with curiosity, eager to expand his skills. This positive attitude not only benefited him but also encouraged others to join him.

5. Instead of succumbing to doubt, she trusted her instincts and took action.
She recalled the advice of her mentors, which bolstered her confidence in her decisions. This trust in herself allowed her to navigate challenges with grace and poise.


1. Instead of lying about the mistake, she pointed out the teacher's error in the assignment.
She raised her hand during class and respectfully explained the discrepancy. Her honesty helped clarify the confusion for everyone.

2. Instead of ignoring his friend's flaws, he honestly pointed them out to help him improve.
He sat down with his friend and discussed the areas where he could do better. This constructive feedback strengthened their friendship and encouraged personal growth.

3. Instead of making excuses, she admitted that she had made a mistake.
She took responsibility for her actions and apologized to her team. This honesty fostered trust and respect among her colleagues.

4. Instead of deceiving herself, he was honest about his limitations and sought help.
He recognized that he struggled with certain subjects and reached out to a tutor for assistance. This openness allowed him to improve and achieve better results.

5. Instead of pretending to be someone he wasn't, he stayed true to himself in every situation.
He expressed his opinions honestly, even when they were unpopular. His authenticity attracted like-minded friends and created meaningful connections.
